Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Like bits of chocolate on a bed of mint, the cows dot the grassy hillside. Heads down, bowing to the glistening dew, accepting nourishment from the sun posing as green plants, the cows accept their lot in life. From the road, that life looks simple, calm and content. The cows are giving each other some space, not crowding the others out because they think the grass is better here or there. The clover doesn't spoil their meal or give reason for pause. Such acceptance is rarely seen in nature much less in human nature. Neither happy nor sad, the great bovine remain vigil in the fields maintaining their dignity until it is snatched from them in one quick moment. I wonder if they think about their long, leisurly walks back to the barn on a summer evening, or remember the birth of their calf as they are led to slaughter?

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Glancing at Geese

A gaggle of geese: winged beautys traversing the air in a bevy of beauty without any care. 
Gliding softly in unison around the tall trees.
In one accord bowing their wings, seemingly touching, maintaining a symetry like a multi-winged parachute, tilting and leaning with the wind. 
Brown feathers edged in black are nature's cue that these owners of the sky are as comfortable there as humans are with two feet planted firmly on the ground.  
Their mission, unclear to me, looming in front of them like an ocean wave, came to them as clearly as their existance.
Stealthily sliding into the pasture in precision formation, all eyes are on the air show.  
A sight of beauty as fleeting as the moment, gone as quickly and precisely as the geese could land.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Squirel's Life

Pat, pat, pat, and that is that;

scratch, scratch, scratch, where was that?

Nuts in the ground,

are they ever found?

Paw over paw, claws over claws...

winters that gnaw,

empty stomachs wait for the thaw,

Can't make a map,

don't take a nap!

Fuzzy gray fur, just a small blur,

clinging to trees, nobody sees.

Climbing thin branches, taking their chances;

can anyone find their trail?

Gray squirrel, gray squirrel, swish your bushy tail!