Wild Winter Whirled
Winter whirled around us this month. As Spring drew nigh, the winter winds flew. Snow swirled around Pittylvania County like the rest of the world didn't exist. Rain, then ice, then sleet, then rain, then snow pelted windows, roads, cars and faces relentlessly. It seemed that Spring was here, then all hope was dashed after a day and a half. The snow was back. It looked just like the week before! Snow flew sideways, straight down and up, seemingly all at once. Just like life, it just kept coming at us, harder and more ferosciously as the day wore on. A trip to the store just a mere 3 miles away began on a barely wet road and 30 minutes later, cars were creeping along the totally white road like turtles in a sack race.
The low, building sound of the snow scrapers, one following the other splashed white snow and ice mixed with sand to the sides of the road both clearing and clogging. The roads are clear, the driveways are clogged. What good is a clear road when the driveway is blocked by three feet of dirt, ice and snow?
Work is opening two hours late. So, we'll all bust our guts clearing the driveway to experience a stressful drive to an office that likely will close as soon as we arrive at our assigned destinations? Decisions were made based on personal fortitude. This worker has had fortitude in the past, but that is past. Fortitude is over rated and definitely an attribute which should be designated for the young.
Winter will whirl away and Spring will fling soon enough, or; not soon enough.