Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Death of a Season, Life for a reason

Nature abounds in death in Autumn.  That death makes way for other expressions.  It is the pathway to Winter and along that pathway are natural beauties that delight the onlooker and soften the blow of the bitterness that lies ahead.

Seeing the true nature of a tree is what is happening when the earth begins it tilt away from the sun, and the leaves reveal their true selves.  Deprived of sunlight, a part of them recedes bringing forth their true being.  Deprivation is most generally perceived as a bad thing, but; if we look at leaves deprived of their ability to make chlorophyll , we see beauty.  Their true selves shining through, the ground becomes their skirt, scattered leaves adorn not only the wind, but the earth, providing nourishment for the soil.

In witnessing this revelation in nature, could we not transfer this as a revelation of ourselves?  When we are deprived of parts of ourselves or our needs, we are forced to look deeper into who we are and how we want to manifest our true selves.   If and when we show our true selves, we spread the joy and love that lies at our core, and; we blanket others with those expressions, providing nourishment for the soul.

On November 22, 1963, our President was assassinated.  Only a few people in history have lived through such an event.  Soon no one will be alive who was alive then.

That solitary event gave those living through it, a chance to see what can happen in life.  A young mother was left with two small children to raise.  A nation was left without a leader.  Young people learned that fathers die. Somehow, though, facing those frightening realities strengthened the nation, strengthened individuals to be their true selves.  We can face events in life that force us to see our true self and be like the trees in Autumn turning those events into something beautiful and meaningful for all to see.

The trees in Pittsylvania County look tall and proud and strong and fearless.

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